Lowell Geenberg
Yes- the idea that culture, even a basic understanding of the universe, has somehow evolved to some 20th or 21st century pinnacle is pure illusion. I was in an ancient temple in Mexico, and while meditating, a thought passed through me- that so much of the ancient traditions, knowledge and ways of knowing have been lost...and as soon as the thought transpired, another thought- message- arose. That the knowledge is universal and eternal- and cannot die. It will always be accessible, by those who seek truth and divine understanding.
There is however a form of difference from the physics equation and the creative flow of universal knowledge. The former can be shaped into an applied physics of mass destruction- while the later serves only to enrich and enliven the human experience. The idea that modern science is somehow amoral..and that the abuse of knowledge is the problem of politics not physics- is pure folly. Knowledge and responsibility are inseparable. If we must coerce nature- at least let us learn the compassion and integrity that accompanies all search for truth. The alternative to this- is what you see playing out on the world stage today.
RispondiEliminaThe really important, fundamental thing is to know that behind all our knowledge is the mystery.
The Greek "reason" has two characters that have been forgotten.
A) it is dialectical, that is, it comes out of the discussion between people, it is not a formal game
B) it is allusive, that is, it alludes to the mystery, to the unknowable universe, which is the true foundation
See you soon
Massimo Pistone